The Internet Security Alliance is delighted to announce that Mark Weatherford, the CSO of AlertEnterprise, and the former deputy undersecretary for cybersecurity at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, has endorsed ISA’s new book on cyber risk management – Cybersecurity for Business: Organization-wide Strategies to Ensure Cyber Risk is Not Just an IT Issue.
According to Mr. Weatherford: “Cybersecurity is Business is a bonfire of wisdom for leaders who desire to be part of the executive decision-making team in their organization. Co-authored by an extraordinary group of global leaders and luminaries with topics as diverse as managing your board of directors, developing key inter-organizational relationships, and aligning business goals to cybersecurity, among others. This book will find a home on the desk of leaders and managers across the cybersecurity community.”
ISA’s President and CEO, Larry Clinton, thanked Mr. Weatherford for the endorsement. I think what Mark — who has substantial technical expertise of his own — was particularly impressed with, was the fact that Cybersecurity for Business was written by the ISA board of directors. As such, it is the only book co-authored by actual practitioners from virtually every critical industry sector. Bringing together these cyber experts enabled production of a coherent set of practices that can be used effectively in every industry to enhance their cyber risk management; it is something that we are especially proud of, “Clinton said.
Cybersecurity for Business is currently available to pre-order now from Amazon or through its publisher, Kogan Page, and everywhere books are sold. ISA is planning a “launch event” at a luncheon at the National Press Club on the formal release date, April 26. ISA has said that at the launch date they will release an extended list of high-profile endorsers.
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