Guest Contributor

Digital wallets have seen a significant rise in popularity as more people embrace the convenience of cashless transactions. These digital tools allow users to store their payment information securely on their smartphones or other devices. This enables quick and easy purchases online and in physical stores. Their growing popularity stems […]

How Secure Are Digital Wallets?

When policy is not coupled with a well-planned compliance and evaluation program, the agency will likely fail to broadly adopt improved data management practices. Furthermore, if a compliance plan is absent, the agency will be at risk. Failing to ensure compliance with new requirements can call attention to gaps and […]

Good data management policy is a critical foundation for any ...

Most cybersecurity teams are under immense pressure to contain threats and recover from attacks as swiftly as possible. Fortunately, if they leverage classification methods, they can relieve some of that strain. How can data classification improve their incident response? What Is Data Classification? Data classification is the practice of organizing […]

How Data Classification Improves Incident Response

Geospatial data is an overlooked tool that can significantly improve cybersecurity efforts. How can location-specific information stop cyber attacks and deter cybercriminals? What Is Geospatial Data? Geospatial data is location-related information about individuals, objects or events. The most common examples are demographic details, addresses, transportation networks and satellite imagery. Although […]

How Geospatial Data Improves Cybersecurity

By Mark B. Cooper, President & Founder, PKI Solutions Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a foundational technology that enables almost all modern identity and data encryption used in enterprises, including CIP infrastructure systems. It works to support all of the higher-level protection, management, identity, and access management solutions organizations deploy. […]

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: Leveraging Public Key Infrastructure for ...