Guest Contributor

By Zachary Amos, Features Editor at ReHack Effective collaboration helps build relationships with colleagues and increases employee productivity levels. It makes workers feel part of a community that cares about them. Collaboration also motivates staff to work together toward a common goal and fosters innovation, leading to real business success. Learn […]

How to Improve Collaboration in IT Teams

By Zachary Amos, Features Editor at ReHack Phishing scammers are increasingly employing sophisticated tactics to deceive unsuspecting victims. Reconnaissance, often shortened to “recon,” is the process of collecting information or data about a specific target or area.  The primary purpose of recon is to gather information or assess a situation to […]

Phishing Scammers Utilize Social Media for Reconnaissance

By Zachary Amos, Features Editor at ReHack The telecommunications sector involves many companies, from internet service providers (ISPs) to radio, telephone and satellite corporations. The infrastructure behind these organizations helps keep the world connected. They make it possible to communicate with people on the other side of the planet. That said, […]

How Secure Are Telecom Providers?

By Emily Newton, Editor-in-Chief at Revolutionized Magazine AI phishing emails are more realistic, personalized and varied than conventional spam content. Hackers are leveraging generative AI to create huge volumes of next-gen phishing emails. Are these messages harder to identify? What are the risks and red flags of AI-generated phishing content? Heightened […]

Will Phishing Emails Be Harder to Spot in the Age ...

Stefanie Shank In an age where our digital lives are increasingly intertwined with our personal and professional spheres, the security of our devices has become paramount. Mac computers have gained popularity for their sleek design and user-friendly interface but are not immune to data loss threats. To safeguard your valuable […]

Securing Your Mac: A Comprehensive Guide to Data Loss Prevention

By Devin Partida, Editor-in-Chief, Businesses and enterprises face an ongoing battle against cyber threats, especially now that data reigns supreme. Adopting a proactive strategy is crucial to safeguard and protect their most valuable assets — digital data. Regular cybersecurity audits emerge as a linchpin in this defense, helping businesses stay […]

The Importance of Regular Cybersecurity Audits for Protecting Your Digital ...

By Devin Partida, Editor-in-Chief, Generative AI allows convenient and conversational banking by giving users access to various products and services. It uses machine learning to understand queries and execute commands using natural human language. Banks use this technology to offer new and advanced services to their customers on a wide […]

Is Generative AI Secure Enough for Banking?

By Carla Roncato, Vice President of Identity at WatchGuard Sunburn isn’t the only thing you need protection from this summer. The U.S. Federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), warns that the risk of being hit by cyberattacks rises over holidays and weekends. During the summer months, when employees and […]

5 Ways to Prevent Phishing from Ruining Your Summer Vacation