
By Devin Partida, Editor-in-Chief, It’s becoming increasingly common for departing employees to take data when they leave a company. Often, such instances are not malicious, and they occur by accident. For example, someone might use a personal USB drive to store some workplace files and realize that they still possess […]

Preventing Internal Theft With Cybersecurity Measures

By Zachary Amos, Features Editor at ReHack Modern companies are operating in a high-risk business environment. The world is becoming increasingly digital, meaning cybersecurity attacks are becoming more frequent. Additionally, physical security systems managed by IT professionals are undergoing a digital transformation. Essentially, as cyber and physical assets grow, the attack […]

Cyber & Physical Security Convergence: Why It’s Essential

By Devin Partida, Editor-in-Chief, Hackers and other malicious actors are finding innovative ways to infiltrate the global supply chain. Some are even weaponizing artificial intelligence (AI) to develop advanced malware programs so they can strategically and stealthily execute cyber attacks. Anyone who follows the news understands and feels the effects […]

Why Are Supply Chain Cyber Attacks on the Rise?

By Zachary Amos, Features Editor at ReHack The cloud is key for any business’s digital transformation. However, migrating to the cloud can expose a company to new security threats. Knowing how to identify and fight these risks is essential for any organization that has adopted cloud computing. These are five of […]

Top 5 Threats in Cloud Security and How to Fight ...

By Zachary Amos, Features Editor at ReHack Cities across the world have always faced challenges with cybersecurity. Because the number of malicious actors increases when cities become more interconnected, cities must enact best cybersecurity practices to make them less vulnerable to attacks. Let’s explore some of the cybersecurity challenges smart cities […]

The Cybersecurity Challenges Facing Smart Cities

By Devin Partida, Editor-in-Chief, Nonprofits are an essential part of today’s economy and create plenty of jobs throughout the country. There are many types of nonprofit organizations, but they all have one thing in common — the need for comprehensive cybersecurity. However, unlike for-profit organizations, nonprofits must find innovative ways […]

How Nonprofits Can Get Better Access to Cyber Defense Measures

By Devin Partida, Editor-in-Chief, Physical security and cybersecurity used to be separate fields, and most businesses still treat them as such. However, as the internet of things (IoT) has brought the digital and physical worlds together, that’s no longer the case. Reliable security today must combine these two once distinct […]

How to Incorporate Cybersecurity Into Physical Security Strategies

By Devin Partida, Editor-in-Chief, Cleaning up after a break-in is never easy. In addition to physical damage, the business owner must file reports, close the business temporarily, and investigate replacing stolen goods. It’s possible for any business to deter these break-ins with the right process changes or store upgrades. These […]

6 Ways Businesses Can Deter Break-Ins