Editorial Staff

Learn how MDR transforms cybersecurity with real-time threat detection, expert response, and strategic planning to safeguard your digital assets effectively. What Are the Benefits of MDR? MDR stands at the forefront of cyber security innovation, offering a dynamic shield against risk. This service merges cutting-edge technology with deep expertise to […]

Discover 7 Benefits of MDR in Cyber Security

By Marcus Scharra, Co-CEO and Co-Founder, Senhasegura This year’s Data Privacy Week is a timely reminder of the growing importance of protecting data in our increasingly digital world. Data privacy has become a critical concern of governments around the globe, resulting in the tightening of regulations governing data collection, disclosure, […]

Make Data Privacy a Strategic Asset for your Company

Cybersecurity experts work hard to make encryption stronger. As data becomes more readily available to companies, information security teams must adopt the latest tools in encryption. That’s because cybercriminals are finding new ways to steal their information.  As hacking increases in sophistication, cybersecurity experts must find new ways to secure […]

What Is the Future of Encryption in Cybersecurity?

Eye-opening for executive teams and users alike. Phishing Impact testing from autonomous pentesting company Horizon3.ai fills a knowledge gap by providing organizations with the precise impacts and likely outcomes of a successful phishing campaign on their particular organization and systems, should an employee’s credentials be successfully stolen. Horizon3.ai Co-Founder and CEO Snehal […]

NodeZero Phishing Impact: A Wakeup Call on How Phished Credentials ...

Cyberattacks are becoming more frequent — and many are singling out underrepresented populations. Research shows threat actors are more likely to target immigrants than some other demographics. Many experts agree these cases are underreported. Threat actors are increasingly taking advantage of vulnerable immigrant populations by pretending to be a consulate […]

Cyberattacks Are Targeting Immigrants

The Revolutionary AI-Powered Solution for Identifying and Preventing Email Leaks In the constantly evolving digital landscape, where data breaches and information leaks are becoming more prevalent, EchoMark has emerged as a beacon of hope for corporations worldwide. In a recent breakthrough, EchoMark has successfully demonstrated the practical application of its […]

EchoMark: A Game Changer in Corporate Email Security

Physically blocks access to date, preventing device compromise. Cigent® Technology’s Pre-Boot Authentication software is now on the National Security Agency’s Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) components list for the Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) program, enabling adoption by Federal agencies and other organizations seeking the highest data security for classified data at […]

Cigent Pre-Boot Authentication gets NSA Commercial Solutions For Classified (CSfC) ...